Parent Newsletter 1/7 - 10 

Navigator News


Language Arts

Nic Hays

[email protected]

This week, students in both Language Arts and Advanced Language Arts will focus on crafting expository essays. Advanced Language Arts will respond to the question: "How do we evolve during the course of a journey?" while Language Arts will explore: "Why do we take chances?" Students will support their responses with textual evidence from three passages read and discussed in class, honing their analytical and writing skills.

In addition, students will complete the district nonfiction assessment, broken into four sections. To ensure focus, they will work on 1-2 sections each day. 

Social Studies

Dave Callaway

[email protected]

Welcome back for the Second Semester!  This week we are going to be looking at our course selections for 9th Grade.  

We will also be reviewing the Jefferson era, Louisiana Purchase, Lewis and Clark Expedition, and getting ready for a map test that we will have next week.  


Heather Haney

[email protected]

This week students will be learning about natural selection.  If students are absent, please remind them to check the stream on Google Classroom to see what we are doing in class that day.  Any work that they can do outside of class will be attached either to the Google Classroom Stream or the Classwork tab. 


Erin MIllage

[email protected] 

This week is PE week and we will be working on heart rate and Tabata. 

Please give a warm welcome to…..Ms. Roubidoux. She will be student teaching in my classroom this quarter.


Learning Specialist

Nancy Staiert

[email protected] 

Important Dates to Remember:

1/15/2025 & 1/16/2025 - SRP Drills: No Access, Period 1 begins at 7:30

1/17/2025 - No School: Professional Development Day

1/20/2025 - No School: Dr. Martin Luther King Day

1/22/2025 - Q2 Honor Roll: No Access, Period 1 begins at 7:30

Additional News

8th grade boys basketball registration is now open and will close on Sunday, Jan. 19th at 10pm. The first day of practice is on Tuesday, Jan. 21st Specific questions about basketball can be directed to Mike Hall: [email protected] Specific questions about registration can be directed to Gloria Zamucen: [email protected]

Mark your Calendars - Future Jag night is Thursday, January 23, 2025 from 5:30-7:30!

Navigator Work Habit Expectations

Self-Awareness (Behavior)

- I come to class prepared with my materials and ready to learn.

- I follow our classroom norms and expectations.

- I exhibit the R.O.K. way when interacting with my teachers and peers. 

Self-Management (Academics)

-I regulate my behavior to use class time appropriately.

-I take the time to complete my work with attention to detail, accuracy, and integrity.

-I complete assignments (both in-class and homework) on time. 

Self-Advocacy and Initiative (Participation)

- I share my ideas and I am willing to learn from others.

- I ask good questions and seek to understand when I am confused.

- I consistently, respectfully, and effectively communicate personal needs and interests

“Weekly” work habit grades: reported using a 4, 3, 2, 1 scale.

4 = Limited redirects/reminders within the defined criteria. Redirect is successful.

3 = Expected (adolescent) redirects/reminders within the defined criteria. Redirect is successful.

2 = Multiple redirects/reminders within the defined criteria. Redirect leads to short lived change in conduct.

1 = Regular redirects/reminders within the defined criteria. Conduct creates a disruption to the learning environment.  Parent Contact & Intervention necessary.

Individual Assignments MAY be marked with these additional letters:

T: turned in 

M: missing

L: turned in late

I: incomplete (assignment is turned in but it’s not turned in)

Monday,Tuesday, Friday



All Classes

Odd Blocks

Even Blocks

Access -    7:30-7:45

Period 1 - 7:48-8:34

Period 2 - 8:37-9:23

Period 3 - 9:26-10:12

Period 4 - 10:15-11:02

Period 5 - 11:05-11:32

Lunch - 11:35-12:00

Period 5 - 12:03-12:19

Period 6 - 12: 22-1:07

Period 7 - 1:10-1:56

Period 8 - 1:59-2:45

Access -    7:30-8:00

Period 1 - 8:03-9:33

Period 3 - 9:36-11:07

Period 5 - 11:10-11:37

Lunch - 11:40-12:05

Period 5 - 12:08-1:12

Period 7 - 1:15-2:45

Access -    7:30-8:00

Period 2 - 8:03-9:33

Period 4 - 9:36-11:07

Period 6 - 11:10-11:37

Lunch - 11:40-12:05

Period 6 - 12:08-1:12

Period 8 - 1:15-2:45

Posted by nhays On 08 January, 2025 at 4:18 PM