Parent Newsletter 12/9 - 13 

Navigator News


Language Arts

Nic Hays

[email protected]

This week, students will continue their journey through their novels with Blog Post #2, where they will create a glossary of challenging or context-rich words from their books. This activity encourages them to deepen their understanding of the text while building their vocabulary skills.

Additionally, students will practice SOAPSTone analysis (Speaker, Occasion, Audience, Purpose, Subject, Tone) on informational texts to sharpen their critical reading and analytical skills. They will also write Blog Post #3 summarizing a supplementary text related to their novels, connecting themes and ideas across texts.

To wrap up the week, students will analyze an article using the SOAPSTone method for a content-grade assessment. This is a great opportunity for them to demonstrate their growth in reading and critical thinking.

Social Studies

Dave Callaway

[email protected]

This week we are wrapping up the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  We will look at creating a visual amendment and do a little textbook work.  


Heather Haney

[email protected]

There are 2 assessments left this quarter.  The Punnett Square Quiz will be on Friday, Dec. 13th and a study guide for the quiz will be handed out in block class this week. The Genetics Test will be on Wednesday, Dec. 18th.  Students who are not able to take the test on Dec. 18th or 19th will be able to take the test when we return from break. 


Erin MIllage

[email protected] 

This week is a super exciting week. We will be performing our jump rope routines! Students will perform during their block class. I can’t wait to see what they have come up with. 


Learning Specialist

Nancy Staiert

[email protected] 

Important Dates to Remember:

12/16/2024 - Dress Like Your Favorite Holiday Character Day

12/17/2024 - Winter Color Day 8th Grade Wears White

12/18/2024 - Ugly Sweater and Holiday Hat Day

12/19/2024 - Pajama / Onesie Day

12/20/24 - 1/3/25 - ❄️ Winter Break ❄️

Additional News

Mark your Calendars - Future Jag night is Thursday, January 23, 2025 from 5:30-7:30!

Chess Club - Please click here for more info!

Navigator Work Habit Expectations

Self-Awareness (Behavior)

- I come to class prepared with my materials and ready to learn.

- I follow our classroom norms and expectations.

- I exhibit the R.O.K. way when interacting with my teachers and peers. 

Self-Management (Academics)

-I regulate my behavior to use class time appropriately.

-I take the time to complete my work with attention to detail, accuracy, and integrity.

-I complete assignments (both in-class and homework) on time. 

Self-Advocacy and Initiative (Participation)

- I share my ideas and I am willing to learn from others.

- I ask good questions and seek to understand when I am confused.

- I consistently, respectfully, and effectively communicate personal needs and interests

“Weekly” work habit grades: reported using a 4, 3, 2, 1 scale.

4 = Limited redirects/reminders within the defined criteria. Redirect is successful.

3 = Expected (adolescent) redirects/reminders within the defined criteria. Redirect is successful.

2 = Multiple redirects/reminders within the defined criteria. Redirect leads to short lived change in conduct.

1 = Regular redirects/reminders within the defined criteria. Conduct creates a disruption to the learning environment.  Parent Contact & Intervention necessary.

Individual Assignments MAY be marked with these additional letters:

T: turned in 

M: missing

L: turned in late

I: incomplete (assignment is turned in but it’s not turned in)

Monday,Tuesday, Friday



All Classes

Odd Blocks

Even Blocks

Access -    7:30-7:45

Period 1 - 7:48-8:34

Period 2 - 8:37-9:23

Period 3 - 9:26-10:12

Period 4 - 10:15-11:02

Period 5 - 11:05-11:32

Lunch - 11:35-12:00

Period 5 - 12:03-12:19

Period 6 - 12: 22-1:07

Period 7 - 1:10-1:56

Period 8 - 1:59-2:45

Access -    7:30-8:00

Period 1 - 8:03-9:33

Period 3 - 9:36-11:07

Period 5 - 11:10-11:37

Lunch - 11:40-12:05

Period 5 - 12:08-1:12

Period 7 - 1:15-2:45

Access -    7:30-8:00

Period 2 - 8:03-9:33

Period 4 - 9:36-11:07

Period 6 - 11:10-11:37

Lunch - 11:40-12:05

Period 6 - 12:08-1:12

Period 8 - 1:15-2:45

Posted by nhays On 09 December, 2024 at 3:06 PM