Parent Newsletter 12/2 - 6 

Navigator News


Language Arts

Nic Hays

[email protected]

This week, students will focus on refining their skills in writing and analysis. They will complete their Blog Post 1 text structure paragraph, demonstrating their understanding of effective organization in writing. Additionally, we will dive into the SOAPSTone method as a tool to analyze a selected informational text, fostering critical thinking and close reading.

By Friday, students should aim to be approximately three-quarters of the way through their book club novels. During our discussions, we will explore the author’s use of technical language and words with intentional connotations, deepening their appreciation of language and its impact on meaning.

Social Studies

Dave Callaway

[email protected]

This week we are going over the Bill of Rights, with a variety of activities.  We will also be taking a source analysis assessment on our Block Day.

Students will also have an assessment on the Constitution on Monday , December 9th.  We are going over a different part of the review guide everyday in class.  


Heather Haney

[email protected]

The Genes, Proteins, and Mutations Quiz is on Tuesday, Dec. 3rd.  Students have a study guide and a Quizizz to help them prepare for the quiz.  Wave Test retakes will be during block class this week.  Students who are interested in doing the retake will need to complete the Waves Test Study Guide and turn it in.  


Erin MIllage

[email protected] 

This week we are looking at unhealthy relationships and the red flags that go with those types of relationships. We will have a YESS lesson from Deputy Walter on Friday 12/5.  


Learning Specialist

Nancy Staiert

[email protected] 

Important Dates to Remember:

12/20/24 - 1/3/25 - ❄️ Winter Break ❄️

Mark your Calendars - Future Jag night is Thursday, January 23, 2025 from 5:30-7:30!

Additional News

SAC Community Representative

We are looking to bring a new Community representative to our School Accountability

Committee. Roughly put, the Community Representative can be anyone who lives or works within the feeder boundaries (not otherwise represented in the School Accountability Committee). That is to say, that the Community Member is not a Parent, Teacher, orAdministrator of RHMS.)

If you know someone who fits the bill and would like to join us, please feel free to share our contact information and ask them to reach out to express their interest to Jodi Laurienti at [email protected].

The School Accountability Committee is an outstanding group of parents, business

leaders, community members, and building staff charged with advising the Rocky Heights administrative team on issues and decisions that impact the students, staff, and learning culture of Rocky Heights Middle School.

Navigator Work Habit Expectations

Self-Awareness (Behavior)

- I come to class prepared with my materials and ready to learn.

- I follow our classroom norms and expectations.

- I exhibit the R.O.K. way when interacting with my teachers and peers. 

Self-Management (Academics)

-I regulate my behavior to use class time appropriately.

-I take the time to complete my work with attention to detail, accuracy, and integrity.

-I complete assignments (both in-class and homework) on time. 

Self-Advocacy and Initiative (Participation)

- I share my ideas and I am willing to learn from others.

- I ask good questions and seek to understand when I am confused.

- I consistently, respectfully, and effectively communicate personal needs and interests

“Weekly” work habit grades: reported using a 4, 3, 2, 1 scale.

4 = Limited redirects/reminders within the defined criteria. Redirect is successful.

3 = Expected (adolescent) redirects/reminders within the defined criteria. Redirect is successful.

2 = Multiple redirects/reminders within the defined criteria. Redirect leads to short lived change in conduct.

1 = Regular redirects/reminders within the defined criteria. Conduct creates a disruption to the learning environment.  Parent Contact & Intervention necessary.

Individual Assignments MAY be marked with these additional letters:

T: turned in 

M: missing

L: turned in late

I: incomplete (assignment is turned in but it’s not turned in)

Monday,Tuesday, Friday



All Classes

Odd Blocks

Even Blocks

Access -    7:30-7:45

Period 1 - 7:48-8:34

Period 2 - 8:37-9:23

Period 3 - 9:26-10:12

Period 4 - 10:15-11:02

Period 5 - 11:05-11:32

Lunch - 11:35-12:00

Period 5 - 12:03-12:19

Period 6 - 12: 22-1:07

Period 7 - 1:10-1:56

Period 8 - 1:59-2:45

Access -    7:30-8:00

Period 1 - 8:03-9:33

Period 3 - 9:36-11:07

Period 5 - 11:10-11:37

Lunch - 11:40-12:05

Period 5 - 12:08-1:12

Period 7 - 1:15-2:45

Access -    7:30-8:00

Period 2 - 8:03-9:33

Period 4 - 9:36-11:07

Period 6 - 11:10-11:37

Lunch - 11:40-12:05

Period 6 - 12:08-1:12

Period 8 - 1:15-2:45

Posted by nhays On 02 December, 2024 at 2:57 PM