Parent Newsletter 4/15 - 18 

Navigator News


Language Arts

Nic Hays

[email protected]

This week students will complete their Blog Post #3, which focuses on a meaningful graphic feature. Last week, students chose a topic from their non-fiction book. This week they will do additional research if needed to complete their post. On block day, we will cover evaluating research sources and begin planning their problem/solution research assignment.


Matt Carlile

[email protected]

Math 8: We are finishing our Angles unit this week. We will move into Area and Volume for our next unit.

Math 8 Lesson Calendar

Algebra: We are finishing our Exponential functions this week. We will look at function inequalities in the next unit.

Algebra Lesson Calendar

Geometry: We are wrapping up our perimeter and area unit with a test next week.

Geometry Lesson Calendar



Heather Haney

[email protected]

Grades were posted for the Fronts CER and the Weather Test.  There will be retakes for the Weather Test but not for the CER.  Students who are interested in retaking the Weather Test should talk with Ms. Haney.  This week we’ll be beginning our climate unit.

Social Studies

Dave Callaway

[email protected]

This  week we are briefly looking at the Gold Rush.  We will then move on to Urbanization and Industrialization.

Students will be working on a Scoop Sheet and designing their own industrial town.



Erin MIllage

[email protected] 

Great dinner time conversations this week. 

 In health we will be learning signs and symptoms of STI/STDs. 

Additional News

Posted by nhays On 15 April, 2024 at 9:23 AM