Parent Newsletter 11/6 - 10 

Navigator News


Language Arts

Nic Hays

[email protected]

Students will focus on elements of literary fiction. We will take notes on conflict in relation to plot. Students will learn to write an effective summary. On block day, students will read a short excerpt and answer a short constructed response in relation to theme and plot structure.


Matt Carlile

[email protected]

Math 8: We are working on our number system unit this week. I moved the test to next week on block. 

Math 8 Lesson Calendar

Algebra: We are beginning our exponent rules unit this week.  We will have our test after Thanksgiving break.

Algebra Lesson Calendar

Geometry:  We are continuing our transformation unit. We will have our test next week on block day. 

Geometry Lesson Calendar



Heather Haney

[email protected]

The Waves test will be on block class this week.  Students have a Waves Test Study Guide on Google Classroom to help them prepare for the test.  They also have Quizlet to help them study the vocabulary and Quizizz to practice the content.  The links for Quizlet and Quizizz can also be found on the Classwork tab of Google Classroom. 

Social Studies

Dave Callaway

[email protected]

This week students are revising their CER on Lexington and Concord and taking a Vocabulary Quiz.  

We will then move on to the next section of our notes that looks at the key battles of the Revolutionary War.

We will also look at diving into the work of John Locke and work on an Escape Room.


Erin MIllage

[email protected] 

This week is PE week. We will be finishing up our lawn game unit. We will have a quiz over the game they are an expert in. We will also be doing our fitness tests. Cardio endurance will be Tuesday. Push ups and sit ups will be block day, As always please let me know if you have any questions or if your student can’t participate in PE. 

Additional News

8th grade students will be attending the district sponsored Career Fair at the Legacy Campus on Friday, November 10th.  Students will be leaving at 10:00 AM and returning at 12:30 PM.  Students will eat lunch upon their return.

Posted by nhays On 06 November, 2023 at 11:27 AM