Parent Newsletter 10/23 - 27 

Navigator News



FROM 3:45-7:00 PM! 

*If you are unable to attend, please have your student walk you through the conference talking points/script. 

Language Arts

Nic Hays

[email protected]

This week, we are finishing our Argumentative Writing Unit. Students will be turning their Actions vs Words outline into an essay. Each day students will finish a different portion of the writing process: first draft, revisions, peer review, second draft. 


Matt Carlile

[email protected]

Math 8: We are beginning our Number system and Pythagorean Theorem unit. We will assess in two weeks.

Math 8 Lesson Calendar

Algebra:  We are starting our Linear inequality unit. We will assess next week on block.

Algebra Lesson Calendar

Geometry: We are looking at our  transformation unit. We will have our Algebra readiness test next week. 

Geometry Lesson Calendar



Heather Haney

[email protected]

This week we’re continuing our waves unit by looking at electromagnetic waves.  The quiz over electromagnetic waves will probably be on Tuesday next week.

Social Studies

Dave Callaway

[email protected]

This week we will focus on the buildup to the Revolutionary War.  We will start off by diagramming two maps.

We will then be creating a visual dictionary of key terms and vocabulary for the Revolutionary War.  

On Block Day, we will have a movie on the French and Indian War, and be more formally introduced to George Washington.


Erin MIllage

[email protected] 

This is a PE week. Check Google Classroom for specific updates.

Additional News

Posted by nhays On 23 October, 2023 at 12:14 PM