Parent Newsletter 2/5 - 9 

Navigator News


Language Arts

Nic Hays

[email protected]

Students will finish their Translation Poems started last week. On Tuesday’s students have an Poetry Reading Assessment given through i-Ready. Students will then begin drafting their compare/contrast essay on poetry starting on block day. On Friday, students will need to have their novels in verse completed for the final discussion on Friday.


Matt Carlile

[email protected]

Math 8:  We are starting our Linear System Unit. It is a long unit so we will have quizzes every 2 weeks to assess our knowledge.

Math 8 Lesson Calendar

Algebra: We are starting our Graphing quadratics Unit. It is a short unit and we will assess next week on block day.

Algebra Lesson Calendar

Geometry: We are continuing our ch 7 Similarity unit. We will assess next week. 

Geometry Lesson Calendar



Heather Haney

[email protected]

Students who need to make up the Earth’s Place in Space Quiz from last Friday should check in with Ms. Haney to see when the best time is to make up the quiz.

This week students will be learning about the moon phases and eclipses. 

Grades for the Natural Selection CER will be posted on block day this week and we will be going over the Natural Selection CER during Science class that day.  We will also be discussing retakes of the CER.

Social Studies

Dave Callaway

[email protected]

This week we are looking at the anatomy of the Constitution and also the Bill of Rights.

Students will also be working on notes in regards to the Early Republic.



Erin MIllage

[email protected] 

This week is one of my favorite weeks in PE. We are playing badminton. Please help your students remember to dress for PE each day with SHOES for the gym. 

Additional News

Posted by nhays On 05 February, 2024 at 8:57 AM