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Can't believe it, but we are in the final week of the school year! It has been a true honor to teach your children during this year and we all deserve a wonderful Summer break (yourselves included!!) Grades will be finalized Wednesday by 3pm, so please reach out to teachers directly regarding grading questions. Thank you for an amazing year and have a wonderful summer!!

Click here for the final newsletter
Posted by Guest  On May 24, 2021 at 10:08 AM
Happy Monday!

Can you believe it's the last full week of the year?! The team is planning to send 1 final newsletter out next week with final details and such.

Please take a look over this week's assignments and activities- I especially ask you to look over an amazing fundraising opportunity that one of the Trekker students is organizing for COVID relief in India!! All the details are in the newsletter and we would love your support in this amazing endeavor!!

Click here for the 5/17 Newsletter 
Posted by Guest  On May 17, 2021 at 9:05 AM
Happy Monday! 

We hope that everyone is having a wonderful Monday morning! Please read through the attached newsletter regarding the next 3 weeks (Only 3 weeks...CRAZY!!)

The team asks that you especially look at the information regarding donating to the Douglas County Fallen Officers Fund- it's a team competition and goes towards an amazing organization!!

Click here for the 5/3 newsletter. 

Have a wonderful week!!
Posted by Guest  On May 03, 2021 at 7:58 AM
Hello Trekker families!!!

We hope that everyone had a wonderful long weekend! Attached is the newsletter for the upcoming week. Please remember that:
- This Friday (4/23) will be the school's first day back in person after out remote period. 
-6th grade will be taking Math CMAS on Friday. 
-If you signed up to bring snacks for CMAS, please bring to Ms. Reetz on Friday. 
-If your student has been opted out of CMAS testing, please keep your student home that day. 

Thank you for your support and encouragement during these past few weeks and we are SO CLOSE to summer! Have a great week!

Click here for the 4/19 Newsletter
Posted by Guest  On Apr 19, 2021 at 2:17 PM
Happy Monday!!
Welp...we're back at it with the remote life!! We are going to make sure your students are still learning and thriving until we get to see them in person on the 23rd. Your students are AMAZING and we so appreciate all of their perseverance and hard work during these unique times!!

Please encourage your students to reach out to their teachers will questions and I hope you have a great week!

Click here for the 4/12 newsletter
Posted by Guest  On Apr 12, 2021 at 8:50 AM
As always, small hiccups with the technology.

Here is the correct link for the snacks- 

Posted by Guest  On Apr 05, 2021 at 9:17 AM 1 Comment
Happy Monday!!

This Friday, 6th graders will be completing their Math CMAS testing. The team is looking for some volunteers to bring some snacks for CMAS testing on Friday. We would love to give our kiddos some little treats (mints, gum, pretzels, granola bars, etc.) to keep them motivated and reward them for an amazing day.

I am providing a link if you would like to bring some snacks for this day (and coffee for the teachers!! Kidding!!). We have roughly 105 students on the team and we are looking for a few snacks for each kid to spread throughout the day (there are 3 Math tests)

Click here for the snack list sign-up.

Click here for the 4/5 Trekker newsletter. 

As always, thank you for all of your continued support and encouragement throughout this time. We wouldn't be able to do this without the love of you all at home. Have a great ahead!!
Posted by Guest  On Apr 05, 2021 at 9:12 AM
Happy Monday!

Click here for the 3/29 newsletter. 

Please reach out with any questions and we are all looking forward to another great week!

Posted by Guest  On Mar 29, 2021 at 10:45 AM
Happy Monday!!
Words cannot describe how incredible it is to have all of your students back 100% with us!! Here is the newsletter for this week's lessons and please reach out as any questions arise. We're all looking forward to an amazing quarter 4. 

Click here for the 3/22 newsletter
Posted by Guest  On Mar 22, 2021 at 1:57 PM
Happy Monday! 

Can't believe it, but it's the last week of quarter 3! Grades will be finalized by Friday @ 4pm so please make sure your student has all of their work turned in by then. We are SO looking forward to having everyone back in person once we return from Spring Break!!

Click here for the 3/8 Newsletter
Posted by Guest  On Mar 08, 2021 at 7:56 AM
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